Watford's Rock Up branch recently opened a new set of high ropes to compliment its indoor rock climbing - so we went down to try it out.

A first of its kind in the UK, the ropes span across the atria Watford's atrium, which often attracts puzzled looks from onlookers doing their shopping.

Manager Sean Barkey, 25, described the boost in popularity since the high ropes were introduced.

He said: "The high ropes have been great to have, people are walking through the shopping centre, get curious and ask 'can I have a go?'. 

"There is nothing like it in the UK, you have never been able to fly across on a zip-line while you look down on people doing their shopping before."

Manager Sean Barkey and staff member James, were very helpful during my visit.Manager Sean Barkey and staff member James, were very helpful during my visit. (Image: Newsquest)


With my last trip to GoApe some time ago, I had to revise my equipment and techniques for the upcoming high ropes.

Greeted by the manager, Sean Barkey, we swiftly got through some waivers and I took my life into my own (and Sean's) hands to head up to the high ropes.

The view from below - Rock up is located right next to Lakeland in the Atria shopping centre.The view from below - Rock up is located right next to Lakeland in the Atria shopping centre. (Image: Newsquest) I was given the formal instructions and geared up with my harness. The helmet also became useful as I quickly preceded to smack my head on a low-hanging beam. Sean politely reminded me "that's why we wear them".

A winding course of ropes, wobbly bridges and zip-wires awaited me - the drop below was starting to scare me off but in the name of journalism I continued my adventure.

Sean put me through my paces on the "smaller" course first, which was at least 10ft off the floor I might add, going through a rope bridge and onto unsteady platforms. Sometimes holding on for dear life, and balance, I continued scrambling across the course eventually stopping at the zip wire.

It was everything but a graceful landing as I thudded against the padding and almost missed the ledge.

Next up, the highest high ropes. I certainly was nervous for these as I climbed up another rope bridge to the tall platform. Looking down at the floors below was not useful either for my shaky legs that stepped out onto the tightrope-like steel wire.

Maintaining my balance I crossed that and made a start on another uneven bridge which moved around with every step. 

The steel tightrope and rope bridge were both fun challenges.The steel tightrope and rope bridge were both fun challenges. (Image: Newsquest) After almost losing my footing, the next obstacle did not get any easier, involving a see-saw-like platform which led me to the final zip-wire - hoping for a better dismount on this occasion.

After flying across atria for the final time, I touched my feet back on earth with a sigh of relief and praise from Sean for my "decent" attempts.


On the website it says: "Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-timer, this experience is designed for all ages and abilities." I probably fit into neither category but its difficulty was not too bad, making it accessible for children and adults.

Sean provided me with tales of 10-year olds and a 56-year-old woman that attempted the course, who unfortunately got stuck. 

With its indoor climbing walls, assortment of challenges and now the high ropes, there is plenty to enjoy at Rock Up Watford for all the family, and I would recommend testing your bottle on its new high ropes attraction.