A Kings Langley bistro remains closed weeks after a car smashed into its front window, as the owner called it a “waiting game”.

Matilda’s, in High Street, remains boarded-up following the crash on August 14 at around 6.55pm as owner Sam Cowham is waiting to hear from his insurance about fixing the front bay window.

Witnesses described hearing a “massive noise” as a black Mazda CX-3 plough into the eatery after a “near miss” with a grey Nissan Qashqai at the junction of High Street and The Nap.

A Mazda smashed into the bistro's shopfront on August 14.A Mazda smashed into the bistro's shopfront on August 14. (Image: Andy Putman) The 38-year-old, who named the bistro after his four-year-old daughter, said: “A new bay window is due to be fitted and then we will be open.

“Unfortunately I can’t say an exact date at the moment but hopefully it won’t be too long and I will post an update as soon as I know.”

The café owner added: “It was frustrating to close because we were getting so many bookings, but things are looking up as people are booking for the rest of the year.”

Kings Langley residents appear keen to return to the café as Sam said multiple people have stopped him to ask when he hopes to reopen the business.

Sam and multiple customers were inside at the time of crash as they saw both cars seem to “clip each other” at the junction, causing the black Mazda to swerve into the business. 

(Image: Andy Putman) The front window was broken and a display of plants in-front of the wall was destroyed, and both cars remained at the scene.

Matilda's façade before the crash.Matilda's façade before the crash. (Image: Sam Cowham) He previously said that “thankfully no-one was hurt” and insisted the business will be “fine” in the long-run despite the damage.

At a full Council meeting on September 3, Kings Langley Parish Council “unanimously” agreed to carry out a feasibility study on improving the crash “hot spot”.