Watford Interfaith Association held its monthly Peace Gathering, under the chestnut trees of the Peace Garden in Cassiobury Park.

Pr Geert Tap, Town Centre Chaplain and facilitator of the event, referred to the location affectionately as the umbrella.

Special guest Sgt Bradley Cross was in attendance and spoke about the recent strain of maintaining peace in Hertfordshire during what he referred to as "disturbing weeks".

Sgt Cross also shared his experiences aiding a team of police officers in Yorkshire, where troubles have been widespread.

He advised attendees to always contact the police if there was a hint of trouble.

Members coming from various religious communities including Christianity, Baha'i, Jain, Muslim and Hindu, shared messages of peace - the most echoed sentiment: peace begins with me.

Sgt Bradley Cross talks about the situation in HertfordshireSgt Bradley Cross talks about the situation in Hertfordshire (Image: WIFA)

The gathering also heard from another chaplain, who, as a volunteer Street Angel, reported that people often told him that they feel safe when he is around.

Watford Mayor Peter Taylor contributed to the meeting by expressing the importance of peace and tranquillity within the community and encouraged attendees to think of victims of ongoing wars, particularly in Gaza and Ukraine.

Others discussed the conflicts occurring in Bangladesh and Iran.

Pr Geert asked attendees to observe a moment of silence for those affected.

After the formal proceedings, those in attendance were thanked for their time and contribution, and a sense of camaraderie was palpable during casual interactions.

The next peace gathering is scheduled to take place on September 15 in the Peace Garden and is anticipated to welcome anyone who wishes to participate, irrespective of religious beliefs or lack thereof.