The prospect of visiting a pub and then hiring a rowing boat on a nearby river may not be the most sensible idea but it was possible to do that at a Watford pub in the past.

The Watford Observer has again joined forces with its friends at Watford Museum to look back at structures, objects or businesses from the town’s past that have either disappeared or been relocated and this week we look back at a pub that dates back to the 18th century.

The museum’s volunteer archivist Christine Orchard said: “There used to a be a pub named the Fighting Cocks on Water Lane next to the river Colne.

“The pub's earliest landlord is thought to be William George who had the pub around 1750.

Watford Observer:

“In the 1840s the pub was kept by Mrs Deacon and because of its location she had two rowing boats moored nearby which could be rented for a shilling an hour. It was possible to row as far as Bushey Mill.

“The pub probably closed in the 1860s but the building is this photo was still there in the early 1900s.”

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