A restaurant has redecorated and introduced live piano performances in a successful refurbishment. 

The Noor Mahal, which served Indian and Bangladeshi dishes in High Street, Abbots Langley, since 2014, underwent a full refurbishment over three months from March.

Because it could not afford to completely close for weeks to carry out the work it did all of the renovations on Mondays and Tuesdays and kept the business open for the rest of the week.

Watford Observer: The Noor Mahal storefront after the refurb.The Noor Mahal storefront after the refurb. (Image: Noor Mahal.)

Owner Imran Ali said: “It has taken us to the next level.”

“The locals love the new look, it’s very modern, very vibrant, people are thrilled about it.” he added.

“We have built a brand over the last 10 years, so they really appreciate it, they say its cosier and brighter.

Watford Observer: The Noor Mahal storefront during the refurbishment.The Noor Mahal storefront during the refurbishment. (Image: Noor Mahal.)

“The ambiance is more welcoming so it’s a more pleasant experience for customers.”

The restaurant now has a new roof, signs, front door, panels on the walls, and an upgraded bar area.

A piano was also installed on the restaurant floor as part of the project, allowing Noor Mahal to offer live piano performances from musician Bryan Edery for diners every Sunday.

Watford Observer: Noor Mahal piano performance.Noor Mahal piano performance. (Image: Noor Mahal.)Watford Observer: Noor Mahal before refurbishment.Noor Mahal before refurbishment. (Image: Noor Mahal.)