Welcome to smokefree Watford!

Watford Observer: Static HTML imageOn Sunday 1 July, Watford town centre was a hive of smokefree activity and information as Watford Borough Council marked the start of the new national smokefree law.

Virtually all workplaces, substantially enclosed public areas and work vehicles in England have now become smokefree by law. The new smokefree law has been introduced to protect employees and the public from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke.

The launch brought together a wide range of specialists with an interest in the new law, including environmental health, smoking cessation services, the fire service, who brought along an appliance, and trading standards who were then on hand to offer advice and support to members of the public and remind them that from 1 October 2007 the minimum age for tobacco sales will rise to 18 years.

Sarah James, Watford Borough Council Environmental Health Officer said: “The launch was a lively and well attending event with lots of people asking for advice on how the smokefree laws affect them and taking advantage of the smoking cessation advisor’s carbon monoxide testing.

“The ‘Big Cig’ was there, along with Mayor of Watford Dorothy Thornhill and Councillor Derek Scudder, handing out balloons and smokefree teds to the younger visitors. The fire engine also proved a popular attraction with residents of all ages having a go. Many people also took the opportunity to visit the ‘healthy mind, healthy body and healthy soul’ events being organised by St Mary’s Church.”