Two amateur film-makers will cycle across Sweden during a six-week trip to discover what life is like in the Scandinavian country.

Steven Bland and Hacon Bickerton, who both went to Watford Grammar School for Boys, will fly out to Stockholm next Wednesday, August 4, before pedalling up the east coast of Sweden and then south along the Sweden/Norway border to Copenhagen.

Steven, who collected his new bike yesterday (Tuesday) after his old model was stolen in April, has previously cycled from Land's End to John O'Groats.

For Hacon, however, this will be his first long distance adventure on two wheels.

He said: “I've never gone more than 80 miles in a day and this will be for six weeks.”

The inspiration for the trip came after Steven read a book called The Spirit Level, which uses statistics to argue that countries such as Sweden with the lowest levels of financial inequality enjoy a better society, including factors such as lower crime, higher levels of health and greater levels of trust.

So during their trip, the pair will interview people on film and ask them what it is like to live in a more equal society.

They also hope to find out how the UK could be improved in the era of Prime Minister David Cameron's Big Society.

Steven, of Courtlands Drive, said: “We thought it was quite inspiring. The aim of the trip is to try and understand the human story behind those statistics.

“We're not trying to present a Swedish utopia. We've got politicians and academics lined up to interview. The rest of it is speaking to people as we pass through towns.

“We want to bring out the differences and similarities between the two countries. It's not about communism or capitalism. It's about what society we want to live in and changing it.”

Steven and Hacon, both 23, will also be uploading a video diary to their website as their six-week journey progresses, with a view to creating a documentary when they return to Watford.

To follow Steven and Hacon's progress, visit,!/group.php?gid= 135762059790707, or email