A popular nature spot is set to benefit from a £500,000 investment.

Three Rivers District Council’s bid for Rickmansworth Aquadrome funding to the HS2 Colne Valley Regional Park Panel has been successful.

The panel has granted £510,463 to help protect and enhance biodiversity at the site while making accessibility improvements.

Three Rivers District councillor Chris Lloyd, who is responsible for leisure, said: “The aquadrome is an important local nature reserve not only for our residents and children to enjoy for walks, play and recreational use, but also for our wildlife who call the site their home.

“The funding will enable us to make significant improvements both in terms of the site’s biodiversity and improving its access that will benefit both residents and wildlife.”

Watford Observer: A five year plan is being drawn for Rickmansworth Aquadrome (Credit: Rebecca Yu/Watford Observer Camera Club)A five year plan is being drawn for Rickmansworth Aquadrome (Credit: Rebecca Yu/Watford Observer Camera Club)

The application was part of wider improvement plans for the aquadrome and the council hopes its success will help secure additional external funding for the entire project.

It says that visitors will see the benefits in the area between the River Colne and Bury Lake over the coming years, particularly along the riverbanks.

More noticeable improvements will include new seating, a boardwalk into the pinetum, interpretation boards, and improved signage.

Watford Observer: Rickmansworth Aquadrome.Rickmansworth Aquadrome. (Image: Three Rivers District Council)