More than 300 people celebrated the Prophet Mohammed’s birthday in a "welcoming and peaceful" procession.

On Sunday, people took to the streets of Watford to take part in the sixth annual Milad Parade.

Starting at Central Watford Mosque, the procession travelled through the town centre, singing songs, playing instruments and handing out chocolates to passers-by.

Imran Khan, an organiser of the Milad parade, said: “It was a really nice event that ran very smoothly.

“The parade spread a message of humanity, kindness and tolerance and the day was all about sharing and peace.

“Everyone was invited for free food at North Watford Mosque and there we saw people from all different faiths coming together.”

Members of the BNP filmed and photographed the procession and documented it on their website.

Mayor Dorothy Thornhill said: “The parade was enjoyed by all and went well.

“Myself and the police support any groups in Watford who want to hold a peaceful event.”

Neighbourhood Inspector Nick Lillitou said: “Officers assisted on the day to help ensure the event ran smoothly. There was minimal disruption and no issues were reported.”